2012. május 31., csütörtök

aki vezeti - lead by

Hagit is a choreographer, performer and dance teacher based in London. She graduated from the Music and Dance Academy in Jerusalem, Israel in 1999 and completed her MA in European Theatre Dance at Trinity Laban, London in 2006.
  She has also been a qualified Dance Movement Therapist since 2003, and she is working now on her PhD in Choreography at Trinity Laban, researching the notion of choreographing autobiographies. After years of performing and teaching, she has been recently developing her own choreographic work. So far she has created six works, two of them were awarded: first prize for ‘Oh Baby’ in the ‘Kajaani Choreography Competition’, Finland 2009, and second prize for ‘Somewhere between a self and an other’ in the ‘Burgos New York Choreography Competition’ (New Dance Trend Category), Spain 2007. She has toured in numerous festivals and dance platforms in the UK, the rest of Europe, and in Israel. She has also been choreographing for different companies and institutions around Europe and the UK as well as leading performance projects and workshops for both professional dancers and the community. Hagit is a teacher and a guest choreographer at Trinity Laban in the One Year Programme, and at The Place in the Community Education Programme and since summer 2011 she has been giving workshops at ImPulsTanz, Vienna. Hagit’s aim is to develop a personal approach, which is based on close collaboration with various artists working within different art forms. In her work she explores different aspects of human relationships, by playing with fiction and reality, emotion and feeling, and by shifting between drama and humour. Her approach in general as well as to the movement research, is based on autobiography and emotions, and is being informed by her background as a dance movement therapist alongside her background as a performer and a choreographer. 
for more about Hagit : http://www.hagityakira.com/

2012. május 30., szerda

kicsit bővebben / more info

az Ördögtánc egy nonprofit kezdeményezés, sok éves londoni keresgélés után találtunk egy mestert, és feltétlenül meg szeretnénk osztani ezt a felfedezést, ezt az élményt és tudást minél több emberrel. gondoltuk, elhívjuk Magyarországra, és nem máshová, mint a szívünknek oly kedves Ördögkatlanba. kevés olyan művészeti terület van, mint a kortárs tánc, ahol ekkora túlkinálat lenne, de bízunk benne, hogy ez a kis baráti összejövetel KISHARSÁNYBAN, az 5. Ördögkatlan fesztivál alatt igazi élmény lesz! minden résztvevőnek kedvezményes fesztiválbérletet, sátorhelyet és igény esetén napi három étkezést biztosítunk! kérjük, töltsd ki online jelentkezési lapunkat idelent!

 Devil Dance is a non-profit movement to spread the joy of dance and the benefit of a newly found master from London. we were eager to invite her to Hungary, she agreed, and we have chosen no lesser event to host this workshop than the famous ördögkatlan , with picturesque surroundings and decent people from all over the world. we look forward to welcome you and your friends in this friendly congregation at KISHARSÁNY to elevate the body and the soul in the program of the 5th Ördögkatlan festival! all our participants are granted with full time festival pass (included in the fee), a camping place, and optionally three daily meal. fill out our on-line application form below right away!